My last blog post was about mountaintop experiences and the
amazing perspective those God made wonders provide. What goes up must eventually come down, and
so this week I write about the View from the Valley. While we were in California, we drove through
three different valleys, each one picturesque and unique. Quite often my life
experiences are similar to what I observed in the valleys while we enjoyed our
sightseeing tour.

Sometimes I can feel I am in a dry, parched land and that
better days will never come. Like the Antelope Valley, my mountain tops are far
in the distance and seem inaccessible. I long for relief from my life circumstances
and wish for the cool refreshing rain of hope to wash over me. These times are really great opportunities
for self-examination. I take comfort and encouragement from the Bible during my
valley days. I am reminded of the verse from Psalms 42. “As the deer pants for
streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God…” and I feel refreshed.

Like these abundant crops, my life grows and flourishes when
I allow myself to be nourished. I am reminded of one verse Jesus spoke when He
gave what we call The Beatitudes. “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for
righteousness, for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6 …and I feel restored.
Our final stop was in the Yosemite Valley. The only way to
appreciate the beauty of the Yosemite Valley is to look up. Look up at the
giant Sequoias; look up at El Capitan and Half Dome and the cathedral spires
surrounding the Valley. After being in the parched valley, and the fruitful
valley, I long to look up and soak in the magnificent beauty. “I will lift my eyes to the hills …My help
comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” Psalms 121 1-2 …and I feel
Mountaintop and valley experiences are a part of all our
lives, but all are useful in helping us become the persons God wants us to be.