we are again at the time of the year when we are winding down the past year and
planning for the new. I know—the world
is supposed to come to an end tomorrow (according to the Mayan calendar.) I
much prefer the Christian calendar that began when Jesus was on earth. He said
in Matthew 24:35-36 & 44:
“Heaven and
earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. No one knows about
that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the
Father. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when
you do not expect him.”
the beginning of 2012, I made several resolutions and wondered how long it
would take me to break them. Here is my score card: finish unpacking from our
move—mostly done; organize closets and my office—a work in progress; lose
weight and exercise—Forget About It; publish my memoir—YAY, it’s done!
December 16, I launched my book, Born
Three Times, at a book debut and signing event at our church. It was a
rainy, messy day but many people braved the weather and came out to support the
effort and buy books. Additional books were purchased this past week by others
who couldn’t attend. I am so blessed by the response and excited about new
opportunities to share my story in 2013. Keep me in mind for speaking
engagements at groups where I can tell my story and promote my book next year.

“I just finished
reading your book and I’m really amazed. Your story is just unbelievable and I
want to thank you for sharing it. It is
going to be a source of inspiration for me when I go through ups and downs in
life. It’s amazing to realize how far the world has come since you were a
little kid in Burke. Who would have thought that just over a half century
later, you would write your memoirs, publish it digitally, and someone in Kenya
would download it and read it on an iPad.”
order your copy, go to the tab at the top of my blog on the right called How to
Order. Links are provided for you to download to your eReader or order a soft
cover copy. Email me at
if you would like a signed copy ($18 for book & postage.)
comment below and tell me about your New Year’s resolutions—past and present.
Christmas and Happy New Year from Two Late Bloomers,
Charles and
Frieda Dixon