Recently twelve catalogs arrived in one load of mail. My name must be on every mailing list of
purveyors of household goods and clothes in the country. How did I get so fortunate? I used to get a semi-annual catalog from JC
Penney and Sears and that was about it. I really looked forward to the annual Wish Book. I guess that where it all started. And the internet has only made it worse. Order anything online and everybody sees what
a sucker you are for a catalog.
I sorted through the recent pile of catalogs and found some amusing items that I will never order, but are available for the discerning man or woman who already has everything.
Road Mice-a computer mouse shaped like a
Mercedes Benz.
A battery operated spinning spaghetti fork.· A “life jewel” bracelet that holds your dog’s DNA.
· A remote controlled 6” tarantula.
· The iPAD commode caddy (replaces your basket of bathroom magazines & holds the toilet
paper roll in one convenient spot).
A battery operated computer nerd that will be
there 24/7/365 to fix all my computer problems.
The answer man portable device that will teach me
all about social media.· A robot chef to explore my pantry and freezer and tell me what to fix for supper.
· A voice activated closet valet that will transition my closet from summer to winter.
· A pop-up idea box that will generate new ideas for future blog posts.
While my body languishes, the mind is in over drive. I need a distraction. Home Shopping Network
here I come.