My online research led me to a
book entitled My One Word written by
Mike Ashcraft, senior pastor at Port City Community Church in Wilmington, NC.
Instead of sweeping resolutions that disappear by the end of January, Ashcraft
says that choosing one word will help us concentrate on accomplishing something
instead of a lot of nothing. I also discovered a blog by Margaret Feinberg
entitled One Word in which she
encourages people to choose one word to study and meditate on during 2016.
It took me a couple of days to
narrow my focus to just one word. My writer friends chose the words “Confidence” and
“Flourish.” All sorts of other words
drifted through my mind—all of them perfectly good words—just not for me at
this time in my life. I finally settled on a word for 2016 that has the
potential to change my thinking and my actions. Here it is!
According to the Miriam Webster Dictionary my word is
defined as: “very devoted or loyal to a person, belief, or cause: not changing” Those that know me might say that word already
describes me.Yes, I can be opinionated and passionate about what I
believe. My area of struggle is in my
thinking and about keeping my mind focused on the positive in each situation. I
picked this Bible verse for 2016, because it describes exactly what
I need in my life—the ability to find peace in every chaotic and stressful
situation that I will face this year.
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3 NIV
There will be plenty of challenges — personal and family
health problems, the roller coaster stock market, endless delays in our
aircraft business, and the inevitable unexpected events that can turn life on a
Are you up to taking the ONE WORD challenge in 2016?
If so I would love to hear from you. If you choose to comment at
the end of this blog and you use the Anonymous designation, please add your
name at the end of your comment so we can pray for each other’s journey.You can also email me at friedas@bellsouth.net to let me know
the word you have chosen. To help you get started, here are the two links I
referenced above that will give you additional information and motivation.
What is your ONE WORD for 2016?