People benefit from
blogging—especially senior adults— according to Carla K Johnson of the
Associated Press who wrote an article entitled “Senior Citizen Bloggers Defy
Stereotypes” in 2005. Putting your thoughts on paper and online is good
helps all age groups because people are writing about topics of interest to
them. Blogging
keeps our mental juices flowing and connects us with people of like interest. When
people blog, they are not in front of the TV and are being creative. While reading
and writing blogs, folks grow and learn each day.
have gotten to know me and my late bloomer husband through my blog and now I’d
like to know you better.
What would you blog about if you had the chance?
Here’s your opportunity. I am
soliciting input for my blog from you and throwing out a challenge. Submit a paragraph
or poem to me on any subject you like, and after editing I will publish it on
my blog during the month of June. You can identify yourself or submit it
anonymously. Here are some topics to choose from along with others that interest
- Rites of passage – graduations, weddings, new jobs, retirement
- Summer holidays – the flag, military service, parades, picnics
- Seasons of Life – empty nest syndrome, senior adulthood, children/grandchildren
- Spiritual Experiences – answered prayers, helping a neighbor, feeling God’s presence
Type your submission in the body
of an email with the subject line reading: blog submission and send it to me at:
I can’t wait to see how many of you will accept the challenge.
I'll think about it, Frieda. Up until now, I have been writing ministry and family updates for the last 52 years... it is therapy for me... something I learned from my parents. Love to read you writings and I am constantly learning! Carleen