My first 100 days of 2017 has flown by in a whirlwind. I can’t believe May is next week. So I have to ask myself what I have
accomplished during almost one-third of 2017.
It’s sobering to look back at my productivity. I am very thankful that
no newspaper article or news show will critique my accomplishments.
Since New Year’s Day I have been blessed with 16 weeks or
2400 hours of time. That calculates to
144,000 minutes which according to the Bible is a perfect number. (See Revelation 7 & 14) I spent one-third of that time sleeping which
left me with 1600 hours to be productive.
So what have I done?
- Four weeks were spent helping Charles through his carotid artery surgery and recovery.
- It was not easy to shop for an appropriate grandmother-of-the bride dress and shoes for Marcella’s wedding. It took a lot more time than I expected.
- Grocery shopping and cooking demanded a lot of time and attention.
- I washed at least 80 loads of dirty clothes and ironed lots of shirts.
- My duties at our office claimed two days of each week.
- Several days were spent editing and adding to the manuscript for Charles’ memoir.
- Two days were spent at our tax accountant’s office preparing our personal and business tax returns.
- I know I spent too much time watching television and surfing the net.
- I spent several hours in the dentist chair so that doctor “drill & fill” could do her work.
- It was a privilege to speak twice at women’s luncheons where I shared my testimony about God’s Amazing Gift of Second Chances.
- Church activities and quality time as a couple and with our children and grandchildren filled in the remaining hours.

My best times are when I count my
blessings and pray for needs of people who are experiencing difficult times.
Other times of reflection come when I consider a blog topic and what to write.
I feel the Lord’s presence as I share my life and offer encouragement to
you. Please comment below and tell me
how you find the balance in your life between busyness and quietness.
How thought provoking! Another great read, Frieda!