“Everybody likes to take a holiday
Everybody likes to take a rest…”
Everybody likes to take a rest…”
(Andrew Culverwell)
also likes a good sale.

It’s a typical July in Georgia with temperatures for the
past week in the 90s, with the heat index in the low 100s. The traditional
celebration of Christmas is five months away, but Christmas in July is in full
bloom—right along with the back-to-school sales. Yes, school in the metro Atlanta area starts
back on July 31. But, I digress and will
save that discussion for another blog.

When do you celebrate Christmas when you live in the
Southern Hemisphere? With the winter months falling in June, July, and August,
some countries like Australia and New Zealand promote a July 25th
Christmas to enjoy a snowy, cold weather traditional celebration. Like the
Northern Hemisphere, they also enjoy the December 25th festivities which
fall in the middle of their summer.
In my humble opinion, Christmas can and should be celebrated
often and any time you choose—even in July. According to most biblical
historians, the arrival of the Christ-child into the world probably didn’t
happen on December 25. Snow and ice on the ground in Israel would have
prevented the travel of thousands who were told to register for the census in
the place of their birth. That’s why Joseph and Mary made the journey to
Bethlehem, and Mary delivered the son of God in a lowly stable far away from
the comforts of home. The important thing is to rejoice that God sent His Son into
the world as a human baby who, thirty-three years later, would give his life on
the cross to save us all from our sins.
That is something to celebrate all the
“Come on, ring those bells,
Light the Christmas tree, Jesus is the king
Born for you and me.
Come on, ring those bells,
Every-body say,
Jesus, we remember
This your birthday.”
Light the Christmas tree, Jesus is the king
Born for you and me.
Come on, ring those bells,
Every-body say,
Jesus, we remember
This your birthday.”
(Music & Lyrics by Andrew Culverwell, 1970s)
Thanks for the explanation for the early celebration of Christmas beginning during WW2. Point well taken concerning the proper time(s) for celebrating the birth of The Saviour. I love the song that you included!